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Sustainable Art for a Sustainable Mind

  • Atwell House & Gallery 586 Canning Highway Alfred Cove, WA, 6154 Australia (map)

Sustainable Art for a Sustainable Mind is an exhibition of new artworks by young disabled and neurodivergent artists aged 12 to 26.

Discover expressive paintings, mosaics, recycled materials, and poetry, linked through the therapeutic experiences of having an arts practice.

The collection, created through workshops led by young local artist Neish P. a neurodiverse artist based in Walyalup (Fremantle), who is commited to access and inclusion for everyone.

Audio-described recordings of the works will be available at the exhibition.

Come down for the exhibition’s opening night held on Friday 5 April 5.30pm – 7pm at Atwell House & Gallery, Alfred Cove. The opening night has a capacity limit so please RSVP to attend. Following, the exhibition is opened throughout the festival week from April 5 - 12 between 11am – 4pm.

Participating Artists:

Poppy Elizabeth, Daniel Nasr, Charlie Alexleigh, Rachel Hull, Reyna Bulman, Oliver Alfaro, Eli Alfaro, Sarah Carey, Breely Nolan, Ella McGrath, Nik Cartwright.

About Neish P:

Neish P is a neuro-diverse artist based in Walyalup (Fremantle) who loves collecting rubbish, finger painting and making a mess. They often find themself lost in poetry land, soaring the sky like a kite, napping on clouds and sliding down rainbows in search of the ground. Neish works in the disability arts sector, and is committed to access and inclusion for everyone across all aspects of life.

About the participating artists:

TATE’O They/them 
Tate’o is an artist who explores ideas and special interests that make them happy, like their work with wildlife and art of those that inspire them. They work across all mediums and enjoy drawing, spray painting, cross stitching and crafting with recycled and repurposed materials. Tate’o appreciates the sensory experience of creating art and finds the artistic process relaxing. 

WREN They/them 
Wren is a local artist who enjoys drawing and water colour painting. They often spend time in libraries filling their sketchbook with characters and creatures they like. For Wren, art is a mindful way to switch off from the world. 

CHARLIE She/her 
Charlie is a creative person who enjoys collecting, making things and keeping her hands busy with an artistic project. Her satirical sense of humour and quick wit comes through in her art. Charlie loves rabbits.

DANIEL He/him 
Daniel is a young person curious about the world and arts. Some of Daniels special interests are construction, maps and travel. Daniel enjoys exploring new artistic methods and materials, particularly sculpture and woodwork, using hand tools and power tools. This has sparked Daniels curiously about the timer industry. 

RACHEL She/they 
Rachel is a creative person who makes music, poetry and printmaking about nature, birds and disability experience. They love how art facilitates storytelling, self-expression and community connection, and are passionate about making people feel seen. Rachel enjoys collecting things from the side of the path and can be found laying under trees or watching the clouds in the morning from the blue hammock, with two slices of raisin toast and a cup of tea.  

SARAH CAREY They/them @_meraki.jpeg 

Sarah is a self-taught mixed media artist whose practice is founded in artistic experimentation. Throughout their life, Sarah has always had a fascination for visual art and immersed themself in creative processes. Sarah has an innate curiosity for understanding and practicing different art forms and mediums, and enjoys testing artistic boundaries through working with materials in non-traditional ways. This is often reflected in Sarah’s artistic approach of utilising mediums in ways that adhere to their sensory requirements, making adjustments and accommodations to traditional artistic methods where required. The sensory aspects of visual art are explored and encouraged throughout Sarah’s works as they employ the use of texture, colour, shape, and form. 

The act of creation for Sarah, extends beyond aesthetics and aims to demonstrate the intersection between artistic expression, creative exploration, sensory consciousness, and personal well-being. As a neurodivergent person, artistic expression for Sarah has been a means of therapeutic process, augmentative and alternative communication, and special interest.

The event is wheelchair accessible, welcoming to companion card holders and support persons, and support animal friendly. More Access Info

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